Temporary Vs. Permanent Buydowns

In today’s real estate market, the landscape may seem daunting to would-be homebuyers. Elevated interest rates, coupled with negative media speculation, have cast a shadow of doubt over the feasibility of homeownership. However, amidst these challenges lies a strategy that could help you become a homeowner: interest rate buydowns. We’ll explain how this strategic tool can empower you achieve homeownership and begin building wealth through real estate.

Understanding Interest Rate Buydowns

Interest rate buydowns offer a strategic approach to securing a lower interest rate, thereby reducing monthly payments and long-term borrowing costs. At Homeseed, we provide both temporary and permanent buydown options tailored to meet your unique financial goals and circumstances. Clients can also combine the benefits of both temporary and permanent buydowns to lower their monthly payment even more.

Temporary Buydowns: A Gradual Path to Affordability

Temporary buydowns are financing options that allow borrowers to lower their initial mortgage interest rates, which gradually increase over a specified period. The four most common types of temporary buydowns offered by Homeseed are the 1-0 buydown, 1-1 buydown, 2-1 buydown, and 3-2-1 buydown. This gradual approach allows you to ease into homeownership, mitigating financial strain and providing breathing room to adjust to your new responsibilities. Additionally, any unused financing credit put towards the temporary buydown will be applied to your principal loan balance if you refinance before the buydown period is over.

Permanent Buydowns: Securing Long-Term Savings

For those seeking lasting benefits, permanent buydowns offer a compelling solution. By purchasing discount points upfront, you can permanently lower your interest rate for the entire loan term. While this requires an initial investment upfront with no possibility of a refund when refinancing, the long-term savings and financial flexibility it provides can be significant, especially for buyers needing a lower monthly payment in order to qualify for the loan. Payment towards a permanent buydown can also potentially help lower your taxable income when filing taxes.

A Comparison Between Temporary and Permanent Buydowns

Leveraging Seller Concessions

In some situations with today’s market, sellers can be motivated to offer seller concessions toward closing costs, including fees associated with buydowns, to further enhance the attractiveness of purchasing their home. By leveraging these concessions, buyers can minimize their out of pocket expenses and expedite their path to homeownership.


Despite the noise surrounding the real estate market, interest rate buydowns stand as a highly useful strategy for aspiring homeowners. Whether opting for a temporary or permanent solution, the benefits are clear: increased affordability, financial flexibility, and long-term savings. With the support of a Homeseed Loan Advisor, you can confidently navigate the complexities of the current real estate landscape and embark on the journey to homeownership with optimism and assurance.

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